
Vinyl Pricing By the Letter

Priced per letter

1”- .20
1.5”- .25
2”- .30
2.5”- .35
3”- .40
3.5”- .45
4”- .50
4.5”- .55
5”- .60
5.5”- .65
6”- .70
6.5”- .75
7”- .80
7.5”- 85
8”-10”- $1.05
11”- 14”- $1.85
15”- 18”- $4.25
19”- 23”- $6.50

***for orders involving more than one size letter the price is determined by the tallest letter***

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Hi Toshia,

The baby is so very cute! Congratulations!

Can you tell me how I can get some of the lettering? Do I order from you???

Debbie Cotton